Petition 2.0

real estate 2.x

Redfin, I respectfully request that you allow me to revert back to “real estate 2.0” as the title of this blog.


As you all know, a couple of days ago Redfin asked me to change the name of this two-day old, free, non-commercial, non-revenue generating wordpress blog.  Eric Heller, the director of marketing, felt that the original title of my blog – real estate 2.0 – infringed on Redfin’s real estate brokerage service mark – so I changed the name of the blog to real estate 2.x within 24 hours of receiving his request.

From the beginning, I felt that this was a barrel of bullshit.  The words real estate 2.0 are all over the web – it is a generic description – not of a service, not of a product – but of a genre…something that should not be trademark-able.  But, I decided to change the name of this blog to real estate 2.x – because I do not need a lawyer up my ass about the name of a frick’n blog.

The response I have received from the real estate (and others) blogging community has been overwhelming.  I want to thank you all for the interaction, debate and support.  I think that most of us believe Redfin would not have been pissy about the name of this blog if I did not write up a negative review of their website in my second post.

So here is the deal…

I have received some comments and emails from some very smart people.  It sounds like the best way for me to use the original name of this blog (which I would like to do) is to file a trademark for the name of a blog vs. Redfin’s service mark for a real estate brokerage.  The thing is, I do not want the trademark (I’m not trying to make money from this) and I do not give a shit if anyone else uses the words and numbers.  They have already been in use for a couple of years…and like I said, it is a generic description.

Although this is one of those corny things you normally would not do (and I sure as hell would not try to start), I am asking all of the readers of this blog to sign my petition to get the name back.  I would like to ask redfin to allow me to reinstate the original title of this blog…and I have a feeling – you/we can make it happen.

How do you sign?  Leave a comment.  Thanks everyone. 

P.S.  I am going to get back on topic tomorrow today.

17 Responses to “Petition 2.0”

  1. Ardell DellaLoggia Says:

    I am confused about the purpose of Redfin’s request for trademarking Real Estate 2.0? Are they going to change the name of their company to Real Estate 2.0. If so, I’d say they should have it. If they are changing the name of their blog to Real Estate 2.0, then I’d say no, you beat them to the punch. If they just want to own it for no business purpose…I’ll have to go back and read about the contest.

  2. realestate20 Says:

    I have not been able to find a mention of real estate 2.0 on the redfin website.

  3. Ardell DellaLoggia Says:

    Found it. It’s a comment posted by Joel on April 25th to a post dated April 26th?? Contest was $500 for an ad tagline. Just search the Redfin Blog using the word Contest. You will see the contest posting and the words Real Estate 2.0 as the second comment. Nothing in the comment except real estate 2.0. I didn’t read down to see if Joel won the $500.

  4. Joel Burslem Says:

    I didn’t win $500.

    I’m all for you using the term Real Estate 2.0 on this blog. I think Redfin’s being heavy handed here.

  5. Greg Swann Says:

    Signed. I volunteer for the Scathing Scorn Committee. Do what you’re good at, my mama says.

  6. Joseph Ferrara.sellsius Says:

    There’s no harm in asking. Be nice but logical. Explain that they can still have their claim in the pipeline & give you permission—like a license to use the name they may or may not one day register or own. Explain also that your blogging is not brokerage services. My guess is they’ll let you use it under a free license (in exchange for not opposign the registration). Still, I say 2.X kicks the stuffing out of 2.0. You’ll be stale bread when 2.1 rolls around. I think that happens about next year 🙂

    In any case, I seriously doubt they will be allowed any right to the words “real estate” apart from the mark. That makes the mark weak, IMO. Save this comment & see that I was right.

    Good luck.

    PS To Glenn Kelman: I’m sorry if this legal mumbo jumbo spoiled your honeymoon, I really am. It was never personal. But Eric should have cooled it at least until the honeymoon was over or he checked with the lawyers & not cause this blogger to get all upset. The record had to made clear so 2.0, 2.x or whatever didn’t have to suffer any longer.

  7. Kevin Says:

    Consider me signed up for the petition. Keep in mind, however, that this whole thing may well have been a carefully planned publicity stunt.

  8. Russ Says:

    Is anybody else incredibly tired of this idiot? I actually came to this site looking for a decent blog on real estate tech equivalent to what Future of Real Estate Marketing has done for RE Marketing. This tired discussion has gone on and on and I’ve certainly wasted more time reading it than I *ever* wasted waiting for Trulia or Redfin to load.

    Your new name is far more creative than the old one ever was. Get over this and move on. For all of our sakes.

  9. Tod Says:

    I completely agree. Of all the things to which you could try to rally people’s commitment, you pick this? I’ve been really interested in the things the internet is doing to shake up real estate, and came to this blog hoping to get some insight, but instead I find that you’ve decided to spend your effort and time haggling over a name, which effectively drops my confidence level in your judgement to zero. Anyone who decides to contribute attention to this has way too much time on their hands. I’m ashamed of the time I’ve spent writing this. You are way off track.

  10. Tod Says:

    Okay. I was trying to figure out what the point of this blog actually is, so I looked at your first post again, and realized that you claim you are the founder of an internet real estate startup, but you never mention what it is. That just leads me to believe that whatever you have managed to produce on your own is not worth sharing. Now I’ve really wasted enough time on this.

  11. Maureen Francis Says:

    wow. Redfin certainly gave you a little gift. Who doesn’t love a david and goliath story?

    My vote is for David.

  12. CJ, Broker in NELA CA Says:

    I agree you should be able to call your blog 2.0. Even if I’m really partial to the 2.x name, especially with the tag line {x=0}.

    Isn’t it interesting how Redfin was doing so well playing the underdog in Redfin vs. the big, nasty corporate real estate biz – the “David” of that David and Goliath drama …. and now they come up with a thoroughly “Goliath” tactic.

    They’ll have a hard time going back to the underdog role.

  13. realestate20 Says:

    I kind of agree with Tod & Russ (I’m sure they are a cute couple). But this whole redfin thing kind of had a life of its own…it was already dying…so it should just be put out of its misery. I think the petion is going in the same frying pan as redfin – it should make a lovely garnish.

    Unfortunately, I cannot share the name of my company (or my name) with you (for some reasons that I think are valid) – this blog is not about me or my web 1.0 company. It is just a place for me to opine.

    I can tell you that we do not compete with redfin or trulia or any of the companies I will be talking about in any way, shape or form – and I will never discuss a direct competitor on this blog.

    Thanks for the comments.

  14. Gord Says:

    So I’m trying to figure this whole thing out. You come along with a blog designed to talk about the world of online real estate and happen to (or intentionally choose) choose someone’s trademark and you get the gift of some free publicity. Either way you go up a few spots on the various blog aggregators.

    Here’s what’s confusing me, where’s the beef? (ah the 80’s, how I miss ’em) I’m not going to come to this blog to read about how big bad redfin stole your name, frankly I think the new name is better. What’s getting me is you’re a little light on content. OK, so you have a beef with Redfin, let’s hear some substantive commentary on why you think that Redfin isn’t the breakout leader of the industry.

    Looking forward to getting back on track with some intelligent discussion.

  15. Jesse Says:

    Online petitions mean nothing in the court of law.

    Especially one with 14 (now 15) signatures (err, comments).

    However, this is a fun little game with no serious outcome in sight. I’ll play along and you can count me as one of the people who thinks you should be able to use the term.

    No, wait.

    My trademarking the term, they have exclusive rights to use it.

    Unless, of course, you are providing satire. I think that’s the loophole.

    BTW, I am a 13 year old from Estonia. Well, I’m not, but I could be, which is why the petition is useless. You cannot verify authenticity of those signing it…gosh, I did it again, I mean commenting it.

    Somehow me thinks you’re going to get on my case about my synical comments. Meanwhile, you’re entire blog is synical. If you do say anything, all I can do is sit back and say “ah, the irony…he/she can dish it, but can’t take it.”

  16. Jesse Says:

    Online petitions mean nothing in the court of law.

    Especially one with 14 (now 15) signatures (err, comments).

    However, this is a fun little game with no serious outcome in sight. I’ll play along and you can count me as one of the people who thinks you should be able to use the term.

    No, wait.

    My trademarking the term, they have exclusive rights to use it.

    Unless, of course, you are providing satire. I think that’s the loophole.

    BTW, I am a 13 year old from Estonia. Well, I’m not, but I could be, which is why the petition is useless. You cannot verify authenticity of those signing it…gosh, I did it again, I mean commenting it.

    Somehow me thinks you’re going to get on my case about my cynical comments. Meanwhile, you’re entire blog is cynical. If you do say anything, all I can do is sit back and say “ah, the irony…he/she can dish it, but can’t take it.”

  17. Jesse Says:

    Sorry for the now triple post. Apparently I cannot spell cynical on my own, without Google spell check to tell me that I am a moron.

    Curse the board of education for teaching us on computers with spell check rather than making us learn how to spell!

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